If you are seeking holistic medicine in St. George UT, we can help!
During a holistic appointment, the doctors can use any tool, technique or clinical secrets to help address your specific health concern. Many times they will use the triangle of health (structural stability, balancing perceptions and body chemistry) as a starting point. Some more difficult or chronic health concerns may involve all three aspects of the triangle of health.
What makes a holistic appointment unique and special is how the doctors will challenge your nervous system. They may use color, sound, smells, tastes and feeling to help discover why you have the health concern you have and how to help you reduce the effects and help you gain back your true health potential!
After a holistic appointment patients report that their symptoms start to subside. This may happen almost immediately or it may take a few hours on up to a couple of days. To help the body heal properly people have found that drinking plenty of water before and after their holistic appointment have been very helpful.
We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how we can help you. Please fill out these forms before your first visit.
We provide the best holistic medicine in St. George UT.
Holistic Healthcare St. George UT | 435-773-1223