Are you looking for cold laser therapy in St. George UT?
Dr. Marc Lyman and Dr. Scott Graf have been using cold laser therapy for 15 years right here in southern Utah! It is a very powerful way to make fast, permanent changes to your body so that you can heal and regain your original strength and coordination following an injury. Patients are amazed at how quickly their body can respond and get back to their normal lifestyle with proper cold laser treatments!
Here is a testimonial from one of our patients:
How exactly does cold laser therapy work? Cold lasers are handheld devices, which are about the size of a flashlight. It sends out specific wavelengths of light, which interact with tissues in the body, and are thought to help shorten the body’s healing process, leading to quicker recovery. Cold laser therapy accomplishes this by sending photons of light into the body’s tissues, painlessly penetrating up to 2 to 5 centimeters beneath the skin. Once the light reaches the target area, it interacts directly with the body’s cells. When the cells absorb this energy, a series of events is set into motion. This is thought to help the body repair damaged tissue, reduce pain, minimize swelling & inflammation, and lead to a reduction in the amount of time it takes your body to heal.
Cold laser therapy can help a variety of conditions including arthritis pain, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia pain, knee pain, neck pain, and tendonitis. Cold laser therapy typically involves a series of treatments designed to reduce pain, swelling, and healing time. Cold laser therapy is an excellent choice for those seeking relief without the use of prescription medications and invasive procedures.
In addition to traditional cold laser therapy, we are pleased to announce that as of 2019 we also are one of the first offices in the St. George area to offer the new FX 635 laser.
If you are seeking relief with cold laser therapy in St. George UT, please give us a call. We are eager to speak with you, and see how we can assist you.
Holistic Healthcare St. George UT 435-773-1223.